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PASL Assessment

Demonstrate your application of knowledge and relevant skills as a school leader to drive student learning

Select any step to learn more about your PASL assessment journey.


PASL Assessment Resources and Test Prep

Handbooks and guides

Download the handbook and guides below for detailed information about the PASL assessment and instructions on how to submit tasks.


PASL Candidate and Educator Handbook

Information about the tasks, rubrics, writing guidelines, how to include artifacts and record videos, scoring and more.

Download (PDF)

Submission System User Guide

Instructions on how to register, upload artifacts and videos, resubmit tasks, and resolve technical issues.

Download (PDF)

PASL Assessment Overview

In-depth information about the assessment and a review of the three tasks.

Download (PDF)

Guidance for Completing the PASL Assessment in a Virtual or Hybrid Environment

Recommendations for how to gather and submit artifacts for each task if you’re teaching a remote classroom or hybrid environment.

Download (PDF)

Frequently Asked Questions About the PASL Assessment

View FAQs about the PASL assessment.

Download (PDF)


Ancillary and planning materials

These materials can help you fulfil the requirements of the assessment. You can also use them throughout your clinical experience.


Plan Template

Organize your thoughts before working with colleagues and guide your planning process.

Download (Word)

Walk-through Observation Form

Note your observations in the classroom as they relate to the professional development in Task 2.

Download (Word)

Post-professional Development Feedback Survey

Get feedback from colleagues involved in the professional development experience for Task 2. The survey results can help guide your reflection required in Step 4.

Download (Word)

PASL Glossary

Glossary of terms used throughout the assessment.

Download (PDF)