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The TOEIC® Tests

Unlock global opportunities with business English-language proficiency

Building the most effective English communication skills for the workforce 

From TOEIC Bridge for emerging English speakers to our flagship TOEIC tests, we provide tailored solutions with the flexibility to support the entire journey to proficiency. Our assessments bridge the gap between classroom learning and real-world business application, offering ongoing benchmarking and allowing targeted feedback to support continuous improvement.


Solutions for flexible, modular workforce English Assessments

Measure workforce English-language proficiency across any or all four communication skills — listening, reading, speaking and writing.


TOEIC Listening and Reading Test 

Assess intermediate to advanced English-language listening and reading skills needed in the workplace.

TOEIC Speaking and Writing Tests

Assess intermediate to advanced English-language speaking and writing proficiency needed in the workplace.

TOEIC Bridge® Tests

Measures English-language listening, reading, speaking and writing skills for beginner to intermediate learners, for everyday use.